Welcome Home to SCF-CAT Where Every Day is EARTH Day! Come Peddle Your Passion! GROW, Dig.

WELCOME HOME to EARTH DAY - Every Day at CAT! Come and Dig Our Dirt at Skinner City Farm!

It's a good day to dig! Come and try! Get your own plot or join US. We need YOU and you and you y tú también. We need weeders and seeders, diggers and hoers, farmers and seasoned organic gardeners like YOU! All you Wannabes come be a grower and feeder; you're bound to grow! Every BODY benefits when even ONE body gardens. Wanna work for The Earth? "Tend your own garden," as my father always said, to me, the activist.

It's a good day to get a bike! Or a human-trike! Or another way for your business to GROW with The Earth (as it catches its breath with one less car on the road.) Just one pedal powered or electro-heavy duty cargo bike or trike and away you go – saving The Earth again! 

It's a tough life but someone's has to save it.

Come check it out today!

Come by the Eugene Bicycle Works – buy a good used bike or fix up yours or order a custom Human Powered Machine! Come and get involved with The Center for Appropriate Transport. By all means, come by The Farm (SCF), ask at The Center about volunteer opportunities and activities in the community gardens! Get your own garden. Work for Veggies! It's a good day to give some worms (red wigglers!) a good home! Only $20 donation to SCF!

It's Earth Day! That's Every Day at CAT and every time's a good time at SCF! Come to 455 W 1st at Washington in Eugene, OR. Peddle or walk, please. 

I'm celebrating the first Earth Day. I was a girl who took it to heart. I'm a lifelong biodynamic (AmerIndio) farmer-gardener and non-driver, biker-pedestrian. Oh, and a poet. I'm celebrating my 2nd day as the new Resident Garden Coordinator at SCF (like sift), Cook (Head Feeder for Meals on Two Wheels, etc.) and Resident CAT Advocate. So, it's a good day to blog! Then it's off with the weeds!

And, since I'm a poet I'll end with a poem from one of my favorite poets when I was about the age I was on the very first Earth Day when I signed a vow to NEVER DRIVE in order to cut my carbon footprint in half, thus saving us from the global meltdown we're experiencing all over today. Sigh... Edna St. Vincent Millay, whom I was just celebrating a few weeks ago at the Poetry Prowl in Ellensberg, WA put on by the all volunteer Inland Poets seems an appropriate land-lover to start with a poem with, one of my favorites, "Spring."


Related Poem Content Details

To what purpose, April, do you return again? 
Beauty is not enough. 
You can no longer quiet me with the redness 
Of little leaves opening stickily. 
I know what I know. 
The sun is hot on my neck as I observe 
The spikes of the crocus. 
The smell of the earth is good. 
It is apparent that there is no death. 
But what does that signify? 
Not only under ground are the brains of men 
Eaten by maggots. 
Life in itself 
Is nothing, 
An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs. 
It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, 
Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.  
Yours in Appropriate Transport and Communing, 

Lorna Dee Cervantes
